Prioritizing Nature-based Stormwater Projects to Maximize Community Co-Benefits in the Buttonwood Brook Watershed
Join the SNEP Network for a one-hour webinar to learn about a site selection prioritization framework developed by SNEP Network partners to assist the Buzzards Bay Coalition (BBC) in identifying nature-based stormwater management projects in the Buttonwood Brook Watershed to maximize water quality improvements and community co-benefits. Best geared towards municipal stormwater managers, technical assistance providers and other local decision-makers, the transferable tools and processes described in this webinar will help to prioritize local stormwater system upgrades. Outfall drainage area mapping paired with a thoughtful ranking process for potential project sites can help to identify the most feasible projects with the greatest potential to improve both water quality and community wellbeing.
BBC’s ongoing water quality monitoring program has helped to pinpoint areas of water quality impairments along Buttonwood Brook. Heavy development and a complicated stormwater sewer system throughout the Brook’s urban watershed, which spans the communities of New Bedford and Dartmouth, MA, have made identifying sources of pollutants more challenging, however.
To help prioritize where stormwater management interventions would have the greatest impact on water quality, Paradigm Environmental mapped and characterized the various sub-catchment areas throughout the watershed to identify pollution “hot spots.” Next, the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) worked with BBC to develop a site ranking tool to identify which potential projects were most feasible and had the greatest potential to provide multiple co-benefits, including water quality and habitat improvements as well as community resilience benefits. BBC then utilized both to select ten priority projects in the Buttonwood Brook Watershed for further analysis and design.
This webinar will review the tools available for identifying and prioritizing projects for stormwater best management practices and share a case study from Buttonwood Brook where the various tools were utilized together to prioritize and implement nature-based stormwater management projects that will maximize both water quality and community co-benefits.
Danica Belknap, CC-P, Environmental Planning Manager, SRPEDD
Ben Bowes, EIT, Ph.D., Water Resources Engineer, Paradigm Environmental
Dan Goulart, Buttonwood to Bay Project Manager, Buzzards Bay Coalition
Who Should Attend:
Municipal stormwater managers, MS4 Coordinators, Department of Public Works staff and other stormwater management decision-makers; consultants and technical assistance providers assisting community decision-makers with stormwater management planning.
Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
No-Cost Webinar