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New England Environmental Finance Center

Our mission is to provide innovative financing solutions that help states, tribes, local governments, nonprofits, community-based organizations, and the private sector pay for environmental projects.

About Us

Since 2001, the New England Environmental Finance Center (NEEFC) at the University of Southern Maine has worked to build local capacity to pay for the growing cost of protecting critical environmental resources and fostering resilient communities.

Our programs reflect the greatest needs of the 6 New England states including funding and financing of climate adaptation and resilience, stormwater and nutrient management, water infrastructure, and sustainable operating practices.

“High quality water is more than the dream of the conservationists, more than a political slogan; high quality water, in the right quantity at the right place at the right time, is essential to health, recreation, and economic growth.”
— Edmund Muskie, Former U.S. Secretary of State, Senator & Governor of Maine

The NEEFC administers the Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Network. The SNEP Network provides training and assistance to municipalities, organizations, and tribes to advance stormwater and watershed management, ecological restoration, and climate resilience in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The network is committed to building capacity in conjunction with EPA’s Southeast New England Program within EPA Region 1.

As part of the Environmental Finance Center Network (EFCN), the NEEFC is one of 10 regional centers supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Together the EFCN is a collaborative of university-based organizations working to create innovative solutions to the difficult how-to-pay issues of environmental protection and improvement.

New & Noteworthy

Join our Team! NEEFC Hiring Water Infrastructure Specialist

The Water Infrastructure Specialist is a key member of the New England Water Infrastructure Network (NEWIN) team, which helps communities access Bipartisan Infrastructure funding for drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater needs. This position will apply technical training and hands-on work experience to help water systems in New England address their unique challenges. They will manage technical projects and perform lead and supporting roles, working directly with water systems, community stakeholders, the NEEFC Director, the Deputy Director, the Water Infrastructure Program Manager, and NEWIN’s partners. This job may be a good fit for former water utility operators or engineers looking for more professional flexibility.

Location: Portland, ME (with potential for hybrid schedule)

Deadline: 8/18/24

Salary: Up to $75,000 commensurate with experience

Equitable Green Infrastructure in a Changing Climate Webinar

When: Thursday, July 25th, 2024 | 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm EDT 

Description: The Environmental Finance Center Network will address the role of Green Infrastructure in the context of climate change. Health, social, and economic factors can contribute to a community being vulnerable to climate change. Building community resilience in an equitable manner and investing in green infrastructure can aid communities in preparing for and adapting to the effects of climate change.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the effects of climate change in vulnerable communities and urban areas.
  • Recognize the role of climate action plans and their goal to enhance community resilience.
  • Identify methods through which green infrastructure increases resilience and recognize the importance of enhancing resiliency in an equitable manner, with a focus on vulnerable communities.

Prioritizing Nature-based Stormwater Projects to Maximize Community Co-Benefits in the Buttonwood Brook Watershed Webinar

When: Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 | 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
(No-Cost Webinar)

Description: Join the SNEP Network for a one-hour webinar to learn about a site selection prioritization framework developed by SNEP Network partners to assist the Buzzards Bay Coalition (BBC) in identifying nature-based stormwater management projects in the Buttonwood Brook Watershed to maximize water quality improvements and community co-benefits. Best geared towards municipal stormwater managers, technical assistance providers and other local decision-makers, the transferable tools and processes described in this webinar will help to prioritize local stormwater system upgrades. Outfall drainage area mapping paired with a thoughtful ranking process for potential project sites can help to identify the most feasible projects with the greatest potential to improve both water quality and community wellbeing.

Featured Funding Opportunity

Rhode Island Municipal Resilience Program (MRP) Action Grants

Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank

Submission Deadline: No later than 12 PM, Friday, July 26, 2024. Please submit completed project applications via email to, and for help with any questions, please contact

Grant or Loan? Grant 

Funding Availability:  Applicants may request grants of up to $750,000. Municipalities must match 25% of the grant amount, either in cash or in-kind contributions (in-kind contributions may not exceed 50% of the required match.)

Who’s Eligible? MRP Action Grants are available to municipalities who have been designated as MRP Municipalities, have completed their Community Resilience Building processes, and their Summary of Findings Report.

Purpose: To advance climate adaptation projects that address climate change impacts resulting from extreme weather, sea level rise, inland and coastal flooding, severe heat, wildfire, drought, and other climate impacts. Nature-based solutions and/or green infrastructure strategies are encouraged. Applicants should demonstrate how their project’s design will better respond to changing climate conditions, and consider climate change projections that align with the project’s anticipated lifespan. 

Eligible Activities: Examples include but are not limited to, dam retrofits or removal, road elevation, floodproofing or elevation of pump stations, berms, and levies, culvert resizing, green stormwater infrastructure, solar and battery backup power, energy efficiency, watershed restoration, urban tree planting, and coastal and riparian resiliency.

Looking for additional funding opportunities?

What We Do

Outreach and Engagement

Community engagement, charrettes, and meeting facilitation that engages all stakeholders and includes their voices in planning decisions.

Technical Assistance

Training and assistance to municipalities, organizations, and tribes to advance stormwater and watershed management, funding and sustainable financing, and improve utility and business operations to achieve resilience to the changing climate.

Education and Training

Capacity building and education of state and local decision makers and utility managers in innovative
financing solutions.

Develop Young Professionals

Engaging student interns in projects to help develop the next generation of environmental finance professionals.