
Climate Adaptation & Resilience
Communities across New England and around the country are experiencing climate change through rising seas, warmer temperatures, increased frequency and intensity of precipitation and flooding, and more extreme weather events. We help states, local governments, tribes, and the private sector plan and pay for the infrastructure necessary to protect critical environmental resources and foster resilient communities.

SNEP Network
The New England Environmental Finance Center administers the SNEP Network, which provides training and assistance to municipalities, organizations, and tribes to advance stormwater and watershed management, ecological restoration, and climate financing in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The Network brings together 16 partners including local environmental organizations, academic institutions, regional planners, and consultants who work collaboratively to provide free training and technical assistance to advance climate resilience goals across the region.

Stormwater & Nutrients Management
New England Environmental Finance Center has tools and resources to assist MS4 permit holders with education and outreach, stakeholder engagement, technical assistance, and education on green infrastructure and financing options to achieve water quality goals. Our goal is to achieve water quality improvements through green and natural infrastructure, stormwater BMPs, nutrient management, and innovative financing.

Sustainable Operating Practices
Sustainable operating practices in the public and private sectors save money and employ citizens while reducing costs and environmental impacts. New England Environmental Finance Center engages University students in sustainable operations projects that develop their STEM skills and positions them to be the next generation of environmental stewards.

Water Infrastructure
The water infrastructure challenges in New England are significant. New England has dozens of impaired waterways that require billions of dollars of investments to improve nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen), bacteria, or sediment levels in our waterways. Compounding these stressors will be the impacts of climate change on our region.